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About Jessica.

Jessica was born and raised in the Greater Los Angeles area and received her B.A. in Business Economics from UC Irvine. Prior to real estate, she worked in HR account management and sales where she developed exceptional skills in communication, negotiation, and problem-solving. Jessica is customer service oriented by nature and prides herself in her results-driven work ethic and dedication to client satisfaction. She is most commonly described by her clients as attentive, eager to help, and going above and beyond. As a real estate investor herself, she understands the market and is determined to provide a comfortable and seamless experience for her clients. Jessica enjoys traveling, doing yoga, socializing over drinks, and lounging at home with her cat.

李小姐出生和成長在洛杉磯地區, 在加州大學爾灣分校取得學位,主修商業經濟學專業。 在從事房地產行業之前,曾在人力資源公司客戶管理和銷售部門擔任經理之職,在溝通、談判和解決問題方面展現出色的領導技能。 李小姐秉持著「服務至上,以客為尊」的信念,用正確的方式,做對的事情,為客戶爭取到最滿意的結果感到自豪。 客戶最常描述她工作專心認真,樂於助人,不斷超越自我。 作為房地產投資人,為客戶提供專業、客觀、有效的諮詢,幫助客户在買賣房前把握市場,做出最好的投資選擇並根據您的要求量身篩選房源,給您一個舒適温馨的家。